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  1. Service Provider details: 

Company name: PetWiseCare Kft

Head office: 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I.floor door 2

Company registration number: 01-09-429057

Court of registration: the Commercial Court of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest

Tax number: 32201413-2-41

Representative: dr. Pálma Piller, Managing Director 

Phone number: 0630/3074093

E-mail address: [email protected]

Details of the hosting provider: 

Name: Google Cloud EMEA Limited

Registered office/office: Velasco, Clanwilliam Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

VAT number: IE3668997OH

  1.  The website of the Service Provider:
  2. Important definitions:
  • Contract Concluded Between Distant Parties: A consumer contract concluded within a system of organized distance selling of the product or service specified in the contract, where the parties conclude the contract without simultaneous physical presence, using exclusively means of communication between distant parties for concluding the contract.

  • Service Provider: The natural or legal person or an entity without legal personality providing the service. The seller of the online educational material.

  • Consumer: A natural person acting outside their independent occupation and economic activity for purposes unrelated to them.

  • Contract for the Provision of Services: Any contract different from the sales contract, under which the business provides or undertakes to provide a service to the Buyer, and the Buyer pays or undertakes to pay the consideration for the service.

  • Product: Any movable tangible object marketed and intended for sale by the Service Provider that constitutes the subject matter of the contract, including online educational materials.

  • Buyer: Any natural or legal person, or entity without legal personality, to whom/for whom the Service Provider sells online educational material.

  1. Availability of the General Terms and Conditions

The Service Provider publishes the currently valid document titled General Terms and Conditions on its website for Buyers.

  1. Content of the General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions contain the rights and obligations of the Buyer using the services provided by the Service Provider, as well as the terms of the agreement between the contracting parties. The General Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of online products (educational materials). These conditions are considered general terms and conditions and include information and regulations compliant with Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses. Certain provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply only to Buyers acting as Consumers. If the Buyer wishes to use the services provided by the Service Provider, they must accept the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which can be done by selecting the appropriate checkbox on the website. Upon acceptance of the provisions, a contract according to these General Terms and Conditions will be established between the Service Provider and the Buyer. If the Service Provider properly publishes this document titled General Terms and Conditions before the payment, but the Buyer does not provide feedback regarding acceptance yet pays the purchase price to the Service Provider, it will be considered that the Buyer has accepted the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

  1. Scope of the General Terms and Conditions

The GTC is effective from the date specified below, identical to the date of publication, and remains valid indefinitely. The provisions apply to all Buyers and online educational materials from the effective date. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions, and this right specifically extends to the annexes. Any modifications take effect simultaneously with their publication on the Website.

In case of modification, the General Terms and Conditions valid and effective at the time of the order submission will be applied. The General Terms and Conditions apply to the following services provided by the Service Provider: purchasing online educational materials (webinars, courses) available from the Service Provider. The services can only be used by the person who ordered the online product, received confirmation from the Service Provider, paid the price, and accepted the current General Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions regulate the rights and obligations arising between the contracting parties in the course of using the services mentioned above.

  1. Establishment of the contract, termination of the contract

The legal relationship between the Buyer and the Service Provider is established by accepting the present General Terms and Conditions, which define the rights and obligations of both parties. The contract is concluded electronically when the Buyer orders the online educational material, submits the order, and the Service Provider confirms it (expressly accepts the Buyer’s offer) to the email address provided by the Buyer, in compliance with data protection regulations. The Service Provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract, even after returning the confirmation, if fulfillment is no longer reasonably expected from them (e.g., the sale of the online educational material is discontinued, technical error, force majeure, etc.).

In the case of withdrawal, the Service Provider is obliged to settle accounts with the Buyer if a financial transaction has occurred. The Service Provider provides information about the content of the online educational material and the course structure on its website for the Buyers. The Service Provider does not assume liability for any potential errors or inaccuracies.

Purchasing Online Educational Materials: On the website (, individual products, courses, and detailed information can be accessed by clicking on the “Courses” menu item. The Buyer selects the desired online educational material and clicks the button to initiate the purchase, which is uniquely worded for each product (e.g., “Join,” “Apply,” “Buy the Course,” “This Is Exactly What I Need,” “I Will Find Out,” “I Want to Learn,” etc.). Once the Buyer selects the appropriate educational material, an “Order Summary” page appears, where the Buyer provides personal details (email address, billing address, and selects the country from a dropdown menu).

Subsequently, the bank card details are entered (cardholder’s name, card number, expiration date, CVC code). The General Terms and Conditions are then accepted by checking the appropriate box. Once everything is in order, the Buyer submits the order by clicking the “Enroll in the Course” button.

By submitting the order, the Buyer explicitly acknowledges that their offer is considered made, and their statement – if confirmed by the Service Provider according to these General Terms and Conditions – entails a payment obligation. Upon receipt of the order, the Service Provider confirms it with an automatic electronic message.

The contract is established between the Buyer and the Service Provider upon the electronic submission of the order and sending the confirmation, indicating that the Service Provider accepts the Buyer’s order. Upon successful payment, the Service Provider registers the Buyer’s name and email address on the online education platform, and the Buyer receives notification via email. The Buyer then registers on the platform, creates their account, and accesses the educational material. By downloading, the Buyer acquires a limited right to use the material exclusively for personal purposes and on their device (e.g., personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, hereinafter: device).

If the Buyer sends an order on the website and the Service Provider confirms it via email (expressly accepts the Buyer’s offer), a sales contract is concluded between the Buyer and the Service Provider. (If the confirmation email does not reach the Buyer within 48 hours, the Buyer is released from the obligation and is not required to purchase the ordered product.)

The Buyer acknowledges that the contract concluded in this manner is not considered a written contract, and Hungarian law shall govern it. The present General Terms and Conditions apply to the contract. The contract is concluded in the Hungarian language, and the Service Provider stores the orders electronically; the contract is not recorded in any other way. The Buyer must provide their real, accurate data during the order process. In cases where false or data belonging to another person is provided during registration, the resulting electronic contract is void. The Service Provider excludes any liability if the Buyer uses services under another person’s name or with another person’s data. The Service Provider assumes no responsibility for any problems resulting from incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate data provided by the Buyer, as the Service Provider ensures that the Buyer can verify the data during the order process.

  1. Purchase price

The Buyer is obligated to pay a fee for the online educational material. The purchase price is indicated in the product descriptions, on the website, or on social media platforms. The displayed prices are valid consumer prices in Hungarian Forint and include VAT. The Service Provider reserves the right to change prices. However, the final payable amount does not change after the confirmation sent by the Service Provider. If any technical error or misprint results in an incorrect price significantly different from the market price, the Service Provider will contact the Buyer via email before providing the ordered online product for clarification. Such orders will not be considered valid by the Service Provider, and the Service Provider assumes no liability for any damages arising from this. The Service Provider strives to display the purchase price accurately. If an incorrect price is displayed despite all due care, the Service Provider is not obligated to sell the online product at the incorrect price.

  1. Possibility to correct data entry errors

During the ordering process, the Buyer can continuously correct or delete the entered data. If the Buyer wishes to modify the provided data after submitting the order, they can notify the Service Provider using the contact details provided in the present General Terms and Conditions. By finalizing the order, the Buyer acknowledges that the Service Provider cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the Buyer’s incorrect data entry or inaccuracies in the provided information. An incorrectly provided email address or the unavailability of the Buyer’s email inbox (e.g., full mailbox) may prevent the confirmation from being received, which may hinder the conclusion of the contract. In such cases, the Service Provider will attempt to contact the Buyer by other means.

  1. Payment and cancellation conditions

The fee for the online educational material can be settled via credit card payment through the Stripe system. The product becomes accessible to the Buyer after payment.

Credit Card Payment Using Stripe: Online payment is possible through the Stripe service. The Service Provider assumes no liability for any errors arising from payments made through Stripe. The Buyer is responsible for ensuring that they are authorized to use the specified payment method and device and that the payment data provided is accurate and correct. The Service Provider declares that it does not handle, collect, or store any payment transaction data when using Stripe. Furthermore, the Data Processing Notice governs the handling of personal data.

In compliance with legal obligations, the Service Provider draws the Buyer’s attention to the fact that making a contractual declaration (submitting the order) entails a payment obligation in favor of the Service Provider. The Buyer agrees to receive the invoice for the purchase price electronically at the email address provided by them. The Buyer must ensure that the electronic invoice can be delivered and that technical settings (e.g., firewalls) do not prevent this. In case of a change in the email address, the Buyer is obliged to inform the Service Provider via email.

  1. Time of performance, use of the service, liability

The time of performance is defined as the provision of access to the online educational material and the sending of information necessary for such access. The information will be sent to the Buyer within a minimum of 2 working days after the purchase price has been credited to the Service Provider’s bank account. The Buyer acknowledges that the Service Provider undertakes to provide the contracted service in compliance with professional and ethical standards, to the best of their knowledge and experience, while considering the Buyer’s interests. However, the Service Provider does not guarantee any results based on the information provided during the online course.  

 Information on the Use of the Educational Material, Liability

Completing the training does not entitle the Buyer to teach the content covered during the training.


The Buyer acknowledges that during the listening of the online educational material and participation in the workshop, it is prohibited to record the content using any device capable of audio or video recording without the prior consent of the Service Provider. Recording, making available to third parties, copying, publishing, or using the content of the online course, training, or workshop in any other way is strictly forbidden. The Buyer is obliged to keep their password and information necessary for access to the service confidential and is only entitled to use the service platform personally. It is prohibited to transfer or make access available to third parties. By registering on the Website, the Buyer accepts full responsibility for all activities conducted under their profile and agrees not to transfer or sell their membership or membership rights without the prior written consent of PetWiseCare Ltd.

Due to the violation of the obligations stated in this section, PetWiseCare Ltd. reserves the right to independently decide to terminate the membership and deny access to the Website. PetWiseCare Ltd. will notify the Buyer in advance of such a decision before its enforcement.

The Buyer is fully responsible for any breach of the obligations set out in this section. Should the Buyer violate any of the obligations described here, they are required to pay a contractual penalty of HUF 500,000 (five hundred thousand Hungarian Forints) to the Service Provider per instance. The payment of this penalty does not prevent the Service Provider from claiming any additional damages exceeding the contractual penalty resulting from the Buyer’s breach of obligations. The Service Provider will issue an invoice for the amount of the penalty, which the Buyer must settle via bank transfer within 8 days.

If the Buyer violates any of the rights detailed in this section, the Service Provider will no longer grant access to the online educational material. In this case, the Service Provider excludes its liability and will not refund the purchase price of the online product to the Buyer. Additionally, the Service Provider is entitled to enforce the contractual penalty and other damages incurred as outlined in this section.

The Buyer agrees not to use the content of the online course, training, or workshop for any unlawful purpose and not to infringe on the rights of PetWiseCare Ltd. or any other parties. This prohibition applies to any offensive, harassing, or otherwise inappropriate behavior, the dissemination of obscene or offensive information, and any activities that disrupt the operation of the Website.

The Buyer acknowledges that PetWiseCare Ltd. will protect its rights using all means provided by law. PetWiseCare Ltd. reserves the right to expand, modify, or delete the published materials at any time without prior notice or explanation.

By using the Website, the Buyer agrees to indemnify PetWiseCare Ltd. for any claims, damages, costs (including any incurred legal fees) arising from the Buyer’s non-compliant use of the Website, contrary to the provisions specified in these Terms.

  1. Data Processing Information

The Service Provider handles personal data strictly following applicable legal regulations, complying with data management and data protection regulations while adhering to the principles of legality, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, and limited storage duration. The Service Provider takes all necessary technical and organizational measures to handle the Buyer’s personal data securely, as required by the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The Data Processing Notice related to personal data handling is also available on the Service Provider’s website and at its registered office.

  1. Right of withdrawal

The Buyer does not have the right of withdrawal regarding a service provision contract (after the complete performance of the service) or in the case of digital content not provided on a tangible medium, if the Service Provider started the performance with the Buyer’s express prior consent, and the Buyer simultaneously acknowledged that they would lose their right of withdrawal once performance commenced. The Buyer is aware that by accepting the present General Terms and Conditions, they expressly agree that the Service Provider will send the information necessary to access the product electronically after the purchase price for the services provided is paid. By sending the electronic message, the Buyer loses their right of withdrawal described in this section, which the Buyer acknowledges by accepting the present General Terms and Conditions. The right of withdrawal regarding the placed orders can only be exercised before the information necessary for access is sent.

  1. Warranty and guarantee

The Service Provider offers a statutory warranty and guarantee for the products it markets in the event of product defects. A product is considered defective if it does not meet the quality requirements specified in the contract or by law at the time of performance. The Service Provider does not perform defectively if the Buyer knew of the defect at the time of concluding the contract or should have been aware of it. In the case of a potential defect in the purchased product, the Buyer can enforce a warranty or guarantee claim or, in specific cases, a guarantee claim. The procedure is governed by Regulation 19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM.  

  1. Accessories warranty

In what cases can the Buyer exercise their right to the warranty of merchantability?

In the event of defective performance by the Service Provider, the Buyer may enforce a warranty of merchantability claim against the Service Provider in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

What rights does the Buyer have based on their warranty of merchantability claim?

The Buyer can choose from the following warranty of merchantability claims: They may request a repair or replacement unless the fulfillment of the chosen option is impossible or would result in disproportionate additional costs for the Service Provider compared to another solution. If the Buyer does not request or cannot request repair or replacement, they may demand a proportional reduction in the purchase price, or they can repair the defect themselves or have it repaired at the Service Provider’s expense, or – as a last resort – may withdraw from the contract. The Buyer can switch from their chosen warranty of merchantability right to another; however, the cost of such a change must be borne by the Buyer unless it was justified or the Service Provider provided a reason for it.

What is the deadline for the Buyer to enforce their warranty of merchantability claim?

The Buyer must report the defect immediately upon discovery but no later than within two months of the discovery. However, the Buyer may no longer enforce their warranty of merchantability rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the performance date of the contract. In the case of second-hand goods, this limitation period is one year.

Against whom can the Buyer enforce their warranty of merchantability claim?

The Buyer may enforce their warranty of merchantability claim against the Service Provider.

What other conditions must be met for the Buyer to enforce their warranty of merchantability rights?

Within six months from the date of performance, there are no additional conditions beyond reporting the defect if the Buyer proves that the product or service was provided by the Service Provider. However, after the six-month period, the Buyer is obliged to prove that the defect recognized by the Buyer already existed at the time of performance.

  1. Product Warranty

In what cases can the Buyer exercise their right to the product warranty?

In the case of a defect in a movable item (product), the Buyer – at their choice – may enforce either their warranty of merchantability rights or product warranty rights.

What rights does the Buyer have based on their product warranty claim?

As a product warranty claim, the Buyer may request only the repair or replacement of the defective product.

When is a product considered defective?

A product is considered defective if it does not meet the quality requirements valid at the time of being placed on the market or if it does not have the properties described by the manufacturer.

What is the deadline for the Buyer to enforce their product warranty claim?

The Buyer can enforce their product warranty claim within two years from the date the product was placed on the market by the manufacturer. After this period, the Buyer loses this right.

Against whom and under what conditions can the Buyer enforce their product warranty claim?

The Buyer can exercise their product warranty claim solely against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable item. In the case of enforcing a product warranty claim, the Buyer is responsible for proving the product’s defect.

Under what circumstances is the manufacturer (distributor) exempt from product warranty obligations?

The manufacturer (distributor) is exempt from the product warranty obligations only if they can prove that:

  • the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of their business activities, or
  • the defect was not detectable based on the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time it was placed on the market, or
  • the defect in the product results from the application of a law or a mandatory regulatory requirement.

The manufacturer (distributor) needs to prove only one of these reasons to be exempted. The Buyer cannot simultaneously enforce warranty of merchantability and product warranty claims for the same defect. However, upon successful enforcement of the product claim, the Buyer may enforce their warranty of merchantability rights concerning the replaced product or repaired part against the manufacturer.

  1. Warranty There is no mandatory statutory guarantee obligation for the products sold by the Service Provider.
  2. How to report a warranty claim

If the Buyer wishes to enforce their warranty rights concerning a product sold by the Service Provider, they may do so by presenting the proof of the contract (invoice) or its copy. Claims can be made either in person or in writing (via postal mail or electronic mail).

In-Person Reporting: The Buyer may report their warranty claim in person at the registered office of the Service Provider (PetWiseCare Ltd., 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I. em 2. ajtó). The Service Provider will record a report detailing:

  • the name and address of the Buyer,
  • the name and purchase price of the product,
  • the date of purchase,
  • the date of the defect report,
  • a description of the defect,
  • the claim the Buyer intends to enforce, and
  • the proposed method of resolving the claim.

If the method of resolving the claim differs from the Buyer’s request, the Service Provider will include the reason in the report. The Service Provider will provide a copy of the report to the Buyer.

Written Reporting: The Buyer may submit a warranty claim via postal mail to PetWiseCare Ltd. (1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I. em 2. ajtó) or by email ( The written report must include:

    • the name and address of the Buyer,
    • the name and purchase price of the product,
    • the date of purchase,
    • the date of the defect report,
    • a description of the defect, and
    • the claim the Buyer intends to enforce.

If the Service Provider is unable to provide an immediate statement on the fulfillment of the Buyer’s claim upon receipt, the Service Provider must inform the Buyer of their position within 3 working days. The Service Provider strives to complete repairs or replacements within 15 days. Products returned for repair will be accepted against a receipt issued by the Service Provider, which will indicate the name and address of the Buyer, the necessary identification details of the product, the date of receipt, and the estimated date of return of the repaired product.

  1. Complaints handling regarding the Service Provider’s activities

If the Buyer is dissatisfied with the service provided by the Service Provider and wishes to file a complaint, they may do so in writing via postal mail (PetWiseCare Ltd., 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I. em 2. ajtó), electronic mail (, or through the chat window on the website (“Send a Question,” “Start Chat,” “Hi, how can we help you?”). The Service Provider will investigate all complaints.

The Service Provider will immediately investigate and, where possible, rectify any issue requiring urgent resolution. For other cases – unless a directly applicable legal act of the European Union stipulates otherwise – the Service Provider is required to respond in writing within 30 days of receiving the complaint and take action to inform the Buyer of the decision. Shorter deadlines may be set by law, and longer deadlines may be stipulated by an act of law.

The Service Provider must provide justification if the complaint is rejected in whole or in part. If the complaint is rejected, the Service Provider must inform the Buyer in writing of the authority or conciliation body that can be contacted based on the nature of the complaint. This information must include the contact details (address, telephone, and online presence) of the competent authority or the conciliation body with jurisdiction based on the Buyer’s place of residence or stay. Additionally, the notification must specify whether the Service Provider will participate in the conciliation procedure.

If the complaint cannot be resolved through other means, or if the Buyer (acting as a Consumer) can only submit a complaint verbally, they may do so. The Service Provider is obliged to immediately investigate and address any verbal complaints. If the Buyer disagrees with the handling of their complaint or if the immediate investigation is not possible, the Service Provider is required to record the complaint and their position on the matter in writing and provide a copy of the record to the Buyer in case of an in-person complaint. In the case of verbal complaints submitted via telephone or other electronic communication, the Service Provider must respond with a substantive answer and provide the written complaint response within 30 days. Complaints made via telephone or electronic communication will be assigned a unique identification number.

The complaint record must include the following information:

  • the Buyer’s name and address,
  • the location, time, and method of the complaint submission,
  • a detailed description of the complaint, including the documents and other evidence provided by the Buyer,
  • the Service Provider’s statement concerning the complaint, if an immediate investigation is possible,
  • the name of the person recording the complaint and – except for complaints submitted via telephone or electronic communication – the Buyer’s signature,
  • the date and location of the complaint record,
  • the unique identification number for verbal complaints submitted via telephone or electronic communication.

The Consumer is required to cooperate with the Service Provider during the complaint investigation and to provide the necessary information and documents.

  1. Content management

The Service Provider’s aim is to protect the interests and fundamental rights of Consumers.

The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally decide on the scope of data and information displayed on the website to ensure the security and reliability of the content. This includes, but is not limited to, the manner, location, and duration of the display, and the Service Provider is also entitled to make changes to the rules related to the content. The Service Provider has the right to suspend or remove any content that is unlawful, violates these Terms and Conditions, any applicable legal regulations, or accepted social moral norms.

The Consumer may report or submit a complaint regarding illegal content in writing via postal mail (PetWiseCare Ltd., 1054 Budapest, Honvéd u. 8. I. em 2. ajtó), by email (, or through the chat window available on the website (“Send a Question,” “Start Chat,” “Hi, how can we help you?”). The Service Provider reserves the right to monitor and moderate all content uploaded by the Consumer, either at its own discretion or based on the submitted complaint, if such content violates these General Terms and Conditions or is otherwise deemed unlawful. Once the Service Provider becomes aware of such content, it will take immediate action to remove it or restrict access.

The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend services for a reasonable period and after prior warning to those who place illegal content on the website. This includes but is not limited to offensive, hateful, or inciting content, or any content that violates these General Terms and Conditions, other applicable laws, or accepted social moral norms. In such cases, the Service Provider reserves the right to prohibit any Consumer from posting public reviews or uploading other content. The Consumer will be notified in advance about the restriction, the reasons for it, and the available legal remedies, and such restrictions may last for up to 10 days for the first occurrence. If the Consumer places illegal content on the website more than three times and continues to act contrary to these Terms and Conditions despite multiple warnings from the Service Provider, the Service Provider is entitled to suspend or terminate the User’s account.

If a Consumer has previously submitted a report about the same content and the Service Provider has already investigated it, or if the Consumer’s report is clearly abusive, made in bad faith, or lacks precise information, justification, and facts about why the content is illegal, the Service Provider is entitled to temporarily suspend the possibility of submitting reports. The Consumer will be informed of the suspension in advance. The suspension may not exceed 10 days for the first occurrence.

Consumers who upload content to the website (e.g., by submitting textual reviews) and other private individuals who have reported illegal content to the Service Provider may file a complaint against any decision made by the Service Provider regarding content, especially concerning its visibility or removal (internal complaint handling system). Consumers may also file a complaint against any decision regarding content restrictions, account suspension, or termination.

The Service Provider will inform the Consumer about how to submit such complaints in the decision related to the suspension or termination of their User account or the visibility or removal of the content.

Complaints may be submitted within 6 months from the date the decision was received by the Consumer.

Consumers and private individuals who are the recipients of the aforementioned decisions are entitled to select an out-of-court dispute resolution body certified in accordance with the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of 19 October 2022 to resolve disputes related to the Service Provider’s decisions or complaints that could not be resolved through the internal complaint handling system. The certified out-of-court dispute resolution bodies are published by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

  1. Conciliation and other remedies

The Service Provider and the User strive to resolve disputes amicably. The Consumer is entitled to file a complaint with the consumer protection authority. If the Consumer’s complaint is fully or partially rejected, or if the deadline for investigating the complaint has elapsed without result, the Consumer may turn to the competent authorities based on their place of residence.

Consumer Protection Authorities Contact Information: Consumer Protection Authorities

In Budapest: Budapest Government Office, District V Consumer Protection Department
Address: 1051 Budapest, Sas u. 19. III. floor
Phone: +36 (1) 450-2598

In the case of a consumer complaint, the Consumer may use the EU’s online dispute resolution platform, which requires registration in the European Commission’s system. The platform can be accessed here: EU Online Dispute Resolution Platform

Consumers also have the option to turn to a Conciliation Board.

Conciliation Boards According to Territorial Jurisdiction: Conciliation Boards

The Conciliation Board has the authority to resolve consumer disputes out of court. Its task is to attempt to facilitate an agreement between the parties to settle the consumer dispute. The Service Provider is obliged to cooperate in the conciliation process, including submitting a response to the Conciliation Board and ensuring the participation of a person authorized to reach an agreement.

If the business’s registered office or place of operation is not located in the county where the Conciliation Board operates, the business’s obligation to cooperate extends to offering the possibility of a written agreement in line with the Consumer’s request. In cross-border consumer disputes related to online service contracts, the Conciliation Board operating alongside the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is exclusively competent.

The Consumer is entitled to seek legal recourse in court if a dispute arises regarding a complaint.

  1. Miscellaneous and final provisions

By placing an electronic order, the Buyer is assumed to possess knowledge of the technical and legal aspects of electronic commerce. The Service Provider assumes no liability for damages resulting from the lack of this knowledge or from errors attributable to electronic products or IT and telecommunications service providers (e.g., internet service providers). The Buyer is responsible for protecting their computer and the data stored on it.

If any mandatory legal provision or court decision restricts or invalidates any part of these Terms and Conditions, it does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

For matters not covered by these General Terms and Conditions, the Hungarian Civil Code (Act V of 2013) and other relevant legal provisions shall apply.

The following laws particularly apply to the contract between the parties:

  • Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection
  • Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services
  • Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26) on detailed rules concerning contracts between consumers and businesses

Communications between the parties will be deemed delivered on the date of receipt in the case of postal delivery, or on the day of confirmation for email communication. If a postal item is returned as “refused,” “not sought,” “unknown addressee,” “moved,” or similar, it will be considered delivered on the fifth day following dispatch. If email communication is not confirmed, it will be deemed delivered on the fifth day following dispatch.

All content (service and product descriptions, text, images, graphics, etc.) displayed by PetWiseCare on the Website is considered intellectual property and protected by copyright, with PetWiseCare Ltd. as the copyright holder. Any unauthorized copying, duplication, or use of the content constitutes a violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited.

PetWiseCare excludes liability for any conduct by users of the Website or any damage arising from the use of the Website. Users bear full responsibility for their actions.

PetWiseCare reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. The modification does not affect fixed-term contracts or services during the specified period. Otherwise, modified provisions come into effect on the 16th day following their publication.

These general terms and conditions are available on this website in both Hungarian and English. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Hungarian version of the GTC and any other language version, the Hungarian version shall prevail.

These General Terms and Conditions take effect on March 13, 2024, and apply to contracts concluded after this date.


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