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Category: Behaviour problems

Kutya szorongás kezelése

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your pet sometimes reacts nervously to certain situations: he’s afraid of new people, shakes in a storm or even gets frightened by the sound of a vacuum cleaner.
These signs could be signs of anxiety, making life difficult not only for your dog, but also for you.
But don’t worry! There are solutions to dog anxiety and you can do a lot to help your pet become more confident.
Let’s look at how you can help him overcome his anxiety!


Recognise the signs of dog anxiety

The first step is to recognise the anxiety.
Dogs express anxiety in different ways: restlessness, trembling, panting, hiding or even aggression can indicate that something is wrong. Observe the situations in which he becomes anxious and try to understand what is causing the anxiety.


Build your a sense of security

The most important thing for your dog is a sense of security. If he feels that you are there to look after him, he will feel more confident.
Try to support him with your calm and confident presence.
If it’s stormy and your dog is scared, sit with him, stroke him and talk to him in a calm voice. Don’t try to avoid scary situations, but help him to get used to them gradually. If there is a storm, put on some music and close the blinds to make your dog as comfortable as possible.
It may help to give him a treat or two or a sniff toy to distract him.

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Gradual familiarisation (desensitisation)

Gradual familiarisation is a great way to help your dog get used to things that cause anxiety. Start small! For example, if your dog is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, first turn it on only when he’s away from it and give him a reward treat. Gradually increase the distance until he is comfortable with the sound of the vacuum cleaner even up close.
Always be patient and never rush the process, overcoming dog anxiety can be a lengthy process but it is worth it!


Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the key to managing dog anxiety. When your dog is calm in a situation that has previously caused him anxiety, reward him!
Reward walls, petting and praise all help your dog learn that there is nothing to be afraid of and that calm behaviour is rewarded.


Regular exercise and mental stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are particularly important for dogs with anxiety.
A tired dog will be less anxious and better able to concentrate on learning.
Take him for regular walks, play with him and try different mental exercises, such as searching games or teaching him new tricks.

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Soothing accessories and tools

In some cases, it is worth trying sedative supplements such as pheromone vaporisers, sedative dietary supplements orspecial anti-anxiety dog clothes.
These can help to calm your dog in stressful situations and alleviate symptoms of anxiety.


Expert help for behavioural problems

Remember that you are not alone in this process! If you feel that your dog’s anxiety is more serious and you can’t cope on your own, the PetWiseCare veterinary chat platformyou can ask experienced dog trainers for help.

Together, we’ll find the right solution to make your dog confident and happy again!
Don’t hesitate to ask for help, your dog’s well-being and happiness is our priority!

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