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Category: Host tips

Kutya hasmenés okai és kezelése

The dog diarrhoea is a common but worrying problem for owners.
Whether the symptoms are mild or more severe, it is important to know what may be causing it and when to seek medical attention.
Discover the causes of diarrhoea, treatment options and find out how to get quick help for dog diarrhoea without waiting for an appointment and spending tens of thousands of dollars at the vet’s surgery!

What can cause diarrhoea for dogs?

Diarrhoea in dogs can develop for a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  1. Sudden changes in diet, eating spoiled or inappropriate food can often cause diarrhoea.
    Many dogs are sensitive to certain foods and eating them can irritate their intestinal tract.
  2. Food allergies or intolerances: certain ingredients, such as gluten or lactose, can cause sensitivities that can lead to diarrhoea.
  3. Infections: Bacteria, viruses, parasites (e.g. Giardia) can cause infections, which can lead to severe diarrhoea.
  4. Stress and anxiety: dogs react to stress in a similar way to humans, and diarrhoea can develop in stressful situations, such as when moving house or when a new family member arrives.
  5. Side effect of medicines: some medicines, especially antibiotics, can disrupt the dog’s gut flora, causing diarrhoea .

When to see a vet for dog diarrhoea?

If the dog’s diarrhoea is short-lived and there are no other accompanying symptoms (e.g. vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite), it is often sufficient to treat the dog at home, for example with light, digestible food such as boiled rice, boiled carrots, lean boiled meat – it is important to cook without salt – and plenty of water.
However, there are some cases where immediate veterinary intervention is needed:

  • Prolonged or severe diarrhoea: If diarrhoea lasts for more than 24 hours or is bloody, seek veterinary advice immediately.
  • Other symptoms appear: If the dog vomits, becomes lethargic or has a fever in addition to diarrhoea, urgent medical attention is needed.
  • For puppies and older dogs: These age groups are particularly susceptible to dehydration caused by diarrhoea and require immediate medical attention.

If you feel that your dog’s diarrhoea does not warrant an immediate visit to the vet, or if you are unable to get to the surgery, there are several alternatives.
In such situations, it can be helpful to discuss the matter with experienced dog people or seek advice from online dog-owner communities.

However, as every dog is different and information on the internet is not always reliable, it is better to seek professional help.
A veterinary chat service can be an ideal solution: it’s fast, convenient and you can get direct veterinary advice without leaving your home.
So you can be sure that your dog is getting the best care.

Dr. Pálma Piller

How it can help veterinary chat?

The veterinary chat service is a great way to get quick and professional advice when you have symptoms of dog diarrhoea:

  • Quick consultation: Veterinary chat gives you the opportunity to immediately contact a vet, who will help you decide whether you need to take your dog to the clinic immediately or whether home treatment is sufficient.
  • Analysis of symptoms: The experts will ask you in detail about your symptoms, any dietary changes and other relevant information in the chat to get a more accurate picture of the situation.
  • Medication advice: If your dog needs to take previously prescribed medication, your vet can advise on the correct dosage or help you decide if a change is needed.
  • Dietary advice: During a vet chat, you can get advice on what diet to introduce to help relieve diarrhoea.

If you are unsure about the severity of your dog’s diarrhoea, don’t hesitate to ask for help! Dr. Pálma Piller and her team at Dr. Piller PetWiseCare veterinary chat service to answer your questions promptly and help you to put your mind at ease or take the right steps to ensure your pet’s health in time. Click here to contact them now!

Kutya hasmenés kezelése - állatorvosi chat segítségével
Kutya szorongás kezelése

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your pet sometimes reacts nervously to certain situations: he’s afraid of new people, shakes in a storm or even gets frightened by the sound of a vacuum cleaner.
These signs could be signs of anxiety, making life difficult not only for your dog, but also for you.
But don’t worry! There are solutions to dog anxiety and you can do a lot to help your pet become more confident.
Let’s look at how you can help him overcome his anxiety!


Recognise the signs of dog anxiety

The first step is to recognise the anxiety.
Dogs express anxiety in different ways: restlessness, trembling, panting, hiding or even aggression can indicate that something is wrong. Observe the situations in which he becomes anxious and try to understand what is causing the anxiety.


Build your a sense of security

The most important thing for your dog is a sense of security. If he feels that you are there to look after him, he will feel more confident.
Try to support him with your calm and confident presence.
If it’s stormy and your dog is scared, sit with him, stroke him and talk to him in a calm voice. Don’t try to avoid scary situations, but help him to get used to them gradually. If there is a storm, put on some music and close the blinds to make your dog as comfortable as possible.
It may help to give him a treat or two or a sniff toy to distract him.

Kutya szorongás - félelem a vihartól

Gradual familiarisation (desensitisation)

Gradual familiarisation is a great way to help your dog get used to things that cause anxiety. Start small! For example, if your dog is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, first turn it on only when he’s away from it and give him a reward treat. Gradually increase the distance until he is comfortable with the sound of the vacuum cleaner even up close.
Always be patient and never rush the process, overcoming dog anxiety can be a lengthy process but it is worth it!


Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the key to managing dog anxiety. When your dog is calm in a situation that has previously caused him anxiety, reward him!
Reward walls, petting and praise all help your dog learn that there is nothing to be afraid of and that calm behaviour is rewarded.


Regular exercise and mental stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are particularly important for dogs with anxiety.
A tired dog will be less anxious and better able to concentrate on learning.
Take him for regular walks, play with him and try different mental exercises, such as searching games or teaching him new tricks.

Kutya szorongás - kutya lemozgatása - boldog kutya fut

Soothing accessories and tools

In some cases, it is worth trying sedative supplements such as pheromone vaporisers, sedative dietary supplements orspecial anti-anxiety dog clothes.
These can help to calm your dog in stressful situations and alleviate symptoms of anxiety.


Expert help for behavioural problems

Remember that you are not alone in this process! If you feel that your dog’s anxiety is more serious and you can’t cope on your own, the PetWiseCare veterinary chat platformyou can ask experienced dog trainers for help.

Together, we’ll find the right solution to make your dog confident and happy again!
Don’t hesitate to ask for help, your dog’s well-being and happiness is our priority!

Kirpóbálom az online állatorvosi chatet gomb
Dr. Piller Pálma – állatorvos – online állatorvosi konzultáció (1)

The online veterinary consultations have grown significantly in popularity in recent years as more and more people seek quick and convenient solutions to their pets’ health issues.
But when should you use the online veterinary consultation service?
In this blog article, we will review the most common situations where a
veterinary chat service can provide real help.


A sudden but non-life-threatening symptoms

When our pet has a sudden change, such as a loss of appetite, diarrhoea or vomiting, we often don’t know immediately whether immediate medical attention is needed.
At online veterinary consultation service is quickly available and gives us the opportunity to consult a specialist who can assess how severe the symptoms are and whether immediate veterinary intervention is needed.


Behavioural changes

If your dog or cat’s behaviour changes, for example if it becomes aggressive, shy or suddenly starts scratching a lot, a vet chat can be the first step in finding the problem.
Vets can quickly identify if there is a health problem behind the behaviour change and advise on the next steps to take.

online állatorvosi konzultáció

Chronic diseases follow up

Animals with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart problems or allergies often require regular monitoring.
An online veterinary consultation makes it easy to monitor your pet’s condition and consult a specialist at any time if you have any questions about treatment.


Dosage and administration of medicines side effects

Often, pet owners are not sure how to dose a medicine accurately or are worried about possible side effects.
An online advice service can help guide you on how to use your medication and advise you if you notice any unusual symptoms during treatment.


Nutrition advice

A proper diet is key to keeping your pet healthy.
If you have any questions about diet, supplements or special diets, contact online veterinary consultation can give you quick and professional answers.

Kutya táplálkozás

Emergency situations Recognition

Although an online consultation cannot replace a physical examination, it can help you to quickly identify if you need emergency care.
For example, if an animal has eaten a poisonous substance or is badly injured and you are at a loss, an online consultation can help you decide whether you need to seek medical attention immediately.


Before you travel preparation

If you are planning to travel with your pet, you may have many questions about vaccinations, health papers or travel medication.
Veterinary chat can give you quick answers to these questions, so you can have a hassle-free trip.


An online veterinary consultation is a great way to quickly and conveniently consult a professional when you are concerned about your pet’s health.
While it is not a substitute for a face-to-face examination, it can help guide you through the next steps in many cases and help keep your pet healthy.
When in doubt, it’s worth taking advantage of this modern option and contacting a vet online.

For reliable and professional advice, feel free to visit Dr. Pálma Piller and her team’s veterinary chat service!
They will provide fast, accurate and empathetic help with any questions you may have about your pet’s health.

Kutya viselkedési problémák – rongál a kutya, cipőt rág

Every dog owner may encounter dog behaviour problems in their lifetime that make everyday life difficult.
Whether you are an experienced or novice owner, these challenges will eventually catch up with you.
In this article, I’ve collected some common behavioural problems and possible solutions to help you and your four-legged friend live together in harmony.

1. Behaviour Problem

Separation anxiety

One of the most common behavioural problems is separation anxiety, which occurs when the owner leaves the dog alone at home or anywhere else.
The dog may become restless, bark, destroy or even pee.
Dealing with the problem is usually a long process of gradually getting the dog used to being away.
It’s important that the owner doesn’t overreact when he or she leaves home or arrives home, so that the dog will experience the separation as less dramatic.

Symptoms of separation anxiety may include: the dog destroys things when left alone: chewed up, torn up belongings, objects.
Otherwise housebroken dog poops, pees in the potty.
Cries, howls and barks for hours if there is no human company.
It’s important to know that your puppy is not doing these things out of mischief, but is very insecure and afraid!
He is trying to relieve his tension in the ways described above.
This is why you should not punish him, as this will only make the situation worse, as punishment will make him more anxious.

dr. Pálma Piller – Canine Health Course

2. Behaviour Problem

Excessive barking

The constant barking is disturbing not only for the owner but also for the neighbours.
There can be many reasons for barking: fear, boredom, defensive instinct or just because the dog wants attention.

The most important thing is to understand the reasons behind the barking and treat the situation accordingly.

Proper training, such as teaching the “quiet” command, can help to control barking.

Kutya viselkedési problémák - ugatás
3. Behaviour Problem

Pulling on the leash

Many dogs have a tendency to pull on the leash while walking, which is not only uncomfortable but can be dangerous.
Pulling on the lead is a learned behaviour that can be traced back to incorrect walking habits.
It is important for the owner to consistently but kindly always signal to the dog that they should enjoy the walk together and that the dog should listen to the owner.
Learning the “loose leash” technique is a complex task and takes time, but is well worth the effort.

4. Behaviour Problem

Room cleanliness problems

Teaching puppies to be housebroken is a priority, but sometimes adult dogs can fall back on good habits.
This may be due to health problems, stress or simply a change in routine.
The key is patience and consistency: take your dog out regularly and reward him when he does his business outdoors.

Kutya viselkedési problémák - kiskutya bepisil
5. Behaviour Problem

Aggression towards other dogs

Aggression towards other dogs is a serious behavioural problem.
To deal with such situations, professional training, counter-conditioning with positive reinforcement, management and gradual habituation to the company of other dogs are essential.
Aggression can be caused by fear, insecurity, instinct or even bad experiences.
It is always worth seeking professional help when faced with such a problem.

6. Behaviour Problem


Some dogs are prone to running away, either from the garden or from the house.
This is particularly dangerous as the dog can easily get into trouble on the street.
To prevent escapes , provide a proper fence and teach the dog to stay in the yard.
When investigating this behaviour, it is important to check that the dog’s needs are being met, e.g. enough exercise, sleep, mental exhaustion, etc.
Starting to teach the dog to come to you as soon as possible, even with the help of a trainer, can often solve the problem.

How to get quick help for behavioural problems?

If you feel that you can’t cope with your pet’s behaviour problems on your own, it’s important to seek expert help.
A PetWiseCare
on the veterinary chat platformyou can consult not only vets but also experienced dog trainers.
I can assure you that there is a solution to every problem, and together we can find the right way to make your dog happy and balanced.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help – a harmonious dog-owner relationship will make life better for both of you!

kutyagazdi (2)

Your dog is your best friend and you do everything you can to keep him happy and healthy .
But do you recognise the signs of a dog’s illness in time?
Our four-legged companions can’t verbally tell you when something is bothering them, so it’s up to us as owners to look out for the little signs that could indicate trouble.
In this article, I’ve put together five warning signs of dog sickness to help you recognise when your pet needs help.


Changes in appetite or in water consumption

If your dog is suddenly eating less or more than before, or you notice that he is drinking unusually much, this could be a warning sign.
loss of appetite It can be caused by dental problems, digestive problems or serious illnesses.
increased water consumption and can indicate diabetes or kidney problems.
If you notice any unusual changes, you should contact your vet as soon as possible or seek advice from a
online veterinary chat platform.


Lethargy and fatigue

Dogs are by nature are active and playful, so if your pet suddenly tired or shows less interest in playing, it is a good idea to can be a cause for concern and a sign of dog illness. Lethargy can be a sign of many problems, from infections to heart disease and painful arthritis. Don’t let ignore it if your dog seems listless, as there may be something a more serious problem may be the cause.


Unusual behaviour or mood swings

If your dog suddenly changes, such as becoming aggressive, withdrawn or overly clingy, can also be a sign of problems.
Behavioural changes may be due to
pain, stress or anxietybut also neurological problems is.
Find out what triggers these changes and seek professional advice if necessary.


Leather and hair problems

The skin and fur of dogs are their health.
Ha észreveszed, hogy kedvenced szőre fénytelen, töredezett, vagy hullani kezd, esetleg viszketéstől szenved, bőre vörös, gyulladt vagy sebes, az mindenképpen
needs attention.
Ezek a tünetek lehetnek
allergies, parasites or even skin infections signs of.
In addition to regular grooming, it is worth visiting a vet from time to time to rule out more serious problems.


Breathing difficulties

Normal breathing in dogs is almost unnoticed, so if you experience wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing or any unusual breathing sounds, may require immediate intervention.
Respiratory difficulties may be caused by
respiratory infections, heart disease or allergic reactions.
Ne várj, amíg a probléma súlyosbodik, ha ilyen tüneteket tapasztalsz, vidd el kedvencedet állatorvoshoz.


Change in faeces or urine

Whether the colour or consistency of the final product changes, or you notice that your pet can’t seem to lighten up despite all the effort, you should be on the lookout for a serious problem.
Egy kicsi hígabb széklet még nem jelent vészhelyzetet, de amennyiben
severe diarrhoea or constipation, urination problems, or dark brown urine This could be a sign of a more serious dog illness, so contact your vet.

If you’re not sure whether you need to see a vet about a particular problem or you’re just overthinking it, ask expert vets at online vet chat interface, where Dr Pálma Piller and her team are waiting to answer your questions 365 days a year.

Kutyával télen

Winter is not only a time of discomfort for us, the owners, because of slush, icy winds and of course the cold, but also for our puppies. A with your dog in winter should be treated differently!
Because while we can dress in layers and wrap ourselves in thick coats, our puppies don’t have that “luxury”.
Our latest post brings you 5 tips and advice for dog owners to help you get through the cold months !


Paw care don't miss it!

For our dogs, exercise is essential, even in winter.
Although it’s not the time of year when we usually get our pups the most exercise, they need regular walks just the same.
However, there is no hair on their feet to protect them from the cold or other environmental damage.

The most common problem encountered with paws in winter is that the salt used to salt the roads washes out the paws of dogs.
This causes a painful and difficult to heal wound.
For this reason, we recommend that avoid salted paths and wash your pet’s feet with lukewarm water after walks.

Also, use a paw cream that helps skin regeneration.
These products contain only natural ingredients and therefore do not cause skin irritation!

Mancsápolás ne maradjon el

For outdoor puppies extra calories are important

To protect your dog from the cold, it’s worth not only buying a super, insulated dog house, a thermo thermal curtain, but also to provide a little extra calories for your doggy.
Because the natural extra layer of fat provides super insulation.
Some farmers give 10% more of the tried and tested feed, while othersswitch to “fattier” feed for the winter months.
A mi tapasztalataink szerint jól bevált a Carnilove bárányos-vaddisznós tápja erre a célra, vagy a Farkaskonyha bio kókuszolaja rácsorgatva a normál tápra.


Do you have a puppy/old dog or a short/short-haired dog? Then buy him a dog suit too!

Buying dog clothes is no longer a gentleman’s game!
After more and more of us keep our puppies indoors, they don’t grow very thick winter coats.
In addition, many shearling dogs, such as poodles, do not have undercoats to keep them warm.

So a good warm dog suit is essential for him.
But the smooth-haired dachshund is also famous for doing the “I’m hiding under a blanket or I’ll freeze to death” routine in temperatures as low as 10 degrees.


Visiting relatives during the holidays - plan ahead!

Today, it is no longer uncommon for families to be scattered in different parts of the country.
However, during the holidays, most of the family tries to get together, at least for a meal or a meal together.
However, if you are the visitor, it is worth checking with the family member whether it would be a problem to take the pet with you.
Your host may have a cat who is terrified of dogs.
Or a baby who might be reluctant to take an amber cat into their tiny flat.

+1 Petguru tip: If you can’t manage to take your pet with you, find a reliable dog sitter on PetWiseCare who will even look after your dog in your own home!



Don't let him, to eat the snow!

There are several reasons why we do not recommend letting your dog eat snow.
One reason is very simple. cold snow causes tonsillitis in dogs very easily.
This will of course be followed by a costly vet visit and home medication.
Another reason is that snow, however clean it may look, can contain harmful substances and bacteria, which can cause further problems.

Of course, there is much more than these things that careful owners need to pay attention to in winter, and indeed all year round.
For example. boosting immunity or choosing the right parasite protection and use.
Don’t forget to take your mandatory and recommended vaccinations, and don’t miss regular worming!
These may seem like small things, but this is how you can become a truly responsible, conscious farmer!

If you want to give your puppy the best food or supplements, but you are lost in the offer, look for Petguru They are available by email and of course by phone for you!

Take care of your dog, have a good winter walk we wish you!

zajfóbia kutyáknál

Noise phobia is one of the most common behavioural problems, affecting one third of dogs.
There is an interesting correlation between separation anxiety and noise phobia, as dogs who experience separation anxiety are more likely to be noise phobic.

A noise-phobic dog is afraid of loud noises, most commonly thunderstorms and fireworks, but can also be frightened of things like vacuum cleaners, traffic noise, sirens, drills, and the list goes on.

Loud noises can be very frightening and can cause distress (harmful stress), causing the dog to experience a panic attack.
Of course, there are degrees of this, from very mild fear to a level of terror where the dog is capable of harming itself or its environment.

If the dog is nervous, frightened or mildly afraid of loud noises, this is perfectly normal, but noise phobia with anxiety and destructive behaviour requires treatment and attention, training and, in severe cases, medication.

It’s definitely worth addressing noise phobia as, if we don’t try to help our dog, his symptoms may increase over time, the chances of escape and injury increase and, all in all, his quality of life can deteriorate significantly.
Imagine what it must be like to spend your daily life in unpredictable fear, dreading storms and fireworks.

kutya fél a zajtól

During noise phobia here's what we find:

  • restlessness, constant pacing
  • shaking, trembling
  • licking the nose
  • increase in heart rate
  • increased respiratory rate, wheezing, panting
  • Hiding
  • tenses, curls up, eyebrows furrowed, ears flattened to six, tail tucked under
  • vocalization: barking, howling, whining

It is worth monitoring noise-phobia signals and intervening if necessary.

Here are some things, what you can do to help your dog in case of noise phobia:

  • It is important to design your environment so that you have a safe hiding place.
  • If it is an outdoor dog, it is recommended to let it into the garage, boiler room or apartment.
  • Give him simpler tasks and reward and praise him handsomely.
  • Play with it, or even use a food ball, a licky mat; the point is to distract it.
    Delicious snacks will be hard to resist.
  • Let’s darken the house, close the blinds.
  • Turning on music or TV can also help.
  • If possible, don’t take him for a walk at this time, but time it so that he can do his work before the noise.
  • Training is also very effective for noise phobia, but if you can, ask a trainer for help.
  • In more severe cases, medication may also be necessary for noise phobia: there are herbal remedies, antidepressants, mild and even more severe tranquillisers. Be sure to consult your vet before starting any medication if your dog is noise phobic!


You’ll only make things worse, and you may even ruin the relationship between you and the dog, making him more stressed and fearful.
Try to be understanding and find a solution to the situation, it is best if you don’t reinforce his fear, but act naturally, as if there is nothing to fear from fireworks and as if it is the most natural thing in the world for the sky to be thundering.

It’s also worth thinking ahead for the upcoming fireworks display on 20 August, because if your dog is also affected by noise phobia and you’re going away, it’s worth considering hiring a qualified sitter to look after your dog in your own home, so you don’t have to take him to a strange place and make an already fearful event more stressful for him.

Sürgősségi állatorvosi ellátás vagy online segítség -állatorvos kutyával

As a veterinarian I am confronted every day with cases where owners are not sure when to go to a vet with their pet, especially during on-call hours, or in rural areas where there is not always a vet nearby when it is absolutely necessary emergency veterinary care.
De mit lehet tenni ilyen szorult helyzetben?
Mikor elengedhetetlen a sürgősségi állatorvosi ellátás, és mikor elegendő egy
online veterinary consultation?
Find out in our latest article!

Cases where it really is emergency veterinary care is needed:

It’s important to be aware of the signs that you should contact a vet immediately :

  • Serious injuries: fractures, major bleeding, open wounds.
  • Eye injuries
  • Poisoning: if your pet has consumed toxic substances such as chocolate, medicines, poisonous plants or household chemicals.
  • Breathing difficulties: choking or wheezing.
  • Hőguta
  • If your pet is choking, has misfed or can’t spit out an object in its mouth.
  • Seizures: seizures, muscle tremors, motor coordination problems.
  • Severe diarrhoea or vomiting: especially if bloody or if it occurs more than once in a short time.
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness: if your pet suddenly collapses or becomes extremely faint.
  • Difficulty passing urine, inability to defecate
  • Supply problems
Online állatorvosi konzultáció

Other cases where a veterinary visit is required:

Not every case is an emergency, but the following situations are also worth seeing a vet:

  • Odd behaviour: persistent behavioural changes, loss of appetite or excessive restlessness.
  • Skin or hair problems: hair loss, rashes, or constant scratching.
  • Persistent symptoms: Persistent cough, sneezing or runny nose.
  • Age-related checks: regular health checks of ageing animals.

Online vet chat can be a convenient and quick way for owners to check on their pet’s condition.

Dr. Pálma Piller

Online contact can be ideal if:

  • Do you need advice: when you are unsure whether a condition/ symptom is urgent or not, whether it is a cause for concern?
  • You are in a rural area or abroad, where it is more difficult to reach a vet or there is no vet on call in your area
  • Prevention: vaccination advice, parasite control issues
  • Dietary suggestions
  • Questions about castration, other planned operations.
  • Mild symptoms: for mild, non-urgent symptoms, such as a mild cough, behavioural changes, minor skin lesions.
  • Follow-up care: during follow-up after surgery or treatment.
  • Suspected poisoning, if strange symptoms occur
Család kutyával - online állatorvosi tanácsadás

When to seek emergency veterinary care instead of asking questions online?

In case of a serious or clearly life-threatening condition.
Accurate diagnosis and treatment require complex investigations that can only be carried out in person.

If you have any questions, Dr. Pálma Piller and her team are available on call seven days a week, CLICK HERE!

Feel free to ask if you are unsure, whether it’s about prevention, nutrition, surgery or if your pet is showing strange symptoms. No wrong questions, just careful, aware owners!

5 tipp a tökéletes kutyasétához

For our dogs, a long walk full of sniffing and playing is the highlight of the day, and for us as owners it’s a great way to relax – but with a few small mistakes, it can quickly become a misery for both parties.
But with a few tips below, they can be easily avoided and you can enjoy every walk with your pet.They can help you decide when to call your vet or go to the emergency room.

1. Gradualness and patience are important!

The walk also need to learn

Puppies aren’t born with “Come to puppy” and other such commands in their mouths, they have to be taught them all.
Practise walking with a loose leash in a calm environment at home first, and praise and reward your dog when he walks correctly with you.

And if your dog starts pulling on the leash while you’re out walking because of the energy and the interesting smells, don’t pull or tug on it, because that will only result in more pulling.
Rather, stop or turn around and only continue in the original direction if the leash is loose, so the dog learns that pulling will not achieve anything.
An anti-pull harness with a leash attached at the front can also help – unfortunately, most dogs in conventional harnesses will pull their owners with an enthusiasm that puts a sled dog to shame.

2. Get ready to walk!

Without which don't step out the door

A few key pieces of equipment are needed to make sure all our walks go smoothly.
Essentials include a good quality harness and a sturdy leash, which should be the traditional kind rather than the flexi leash, which can be accident-prone, especially in busy areas.  
Carry a reward bag filled with a reward wallet or a small bag that can be hung on the belt, so that you can always reward your dog for walking nicely and loosely on a lead or for obeying a command.
Our dog’s favourite Frisbee or ball can also join us on the trail, so we can tire him out with a game in the park.
And last but not least, don’t forget the plastic bag at home and always clean up after your dog!

3. Take the weather into account!

Dog a time

On days when the heat is raging, it is easy for our dogs to overheat.
on a walk.
It’s best to get out early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s a bit cooler.
Avoid the scorching hot tarmac and take your dog on grass, dirt paths and into the woods if you can.
For some dogs, a protective boot on the paw can be a good solution.

Most importantly, always carry fresh water and a foldable drinking bowl, and watch out for the slightest signs of heatstroke!
And in winter, wrap up your short-haired or small dog in a coat and watch out for icy, slippery or slushy roads – protective footwear can be a good solution.

5 tipp a kutyasétához
4. Enjoy the walk!

Fragrances everywhere

When our dog walks out the door with us, he smells a veritable cavalcade of scents, and wants to sniff every bush and lamppost.
Let him explore the world through his nose!
For him, walking is not just exercise, it’s mental stimulation, and sniffing teaches him a lot about other dogs, animals and people.

Don’t stick to the “strictly walking only” principle, let your dog follow his instincts to follow the smells, he will enjoy the walk much more and be more relaxed at the end.

5. PetWiseCare sitter for your home!

If not we have time

Unfortunately, a good number of owners don’t have the time to take their pets for a long walk every day because of work and other commitments.
This can be very hard on the dog, so the best thing to do is to hire a reliable dog walker or sitter who gets on well with your dog.
He can be very helpful if we are at work,
a sitter keeps our dog well exercised, so our four-legged friend doesn’t tear the house apart in boredom and is relaxed when we get home.

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Örömmel értesítünk, hogy a gazdisuli és a petwisecare összevonásra került. A szitter foglalásokhoz a lent található gombon tudsz átnavigálni, a képzésekhez pedig csak zárd be ezt az ablakot és lépj be az oldalon.


Örömmel értesítünk, hogy a gazdisuli és a petwisecare összevonásra került. A szitter foglalásokhoz a lent található gombon tudsz átnavigálni, a képzésekhez pedig csak zárd be ezt az ablakot és lépj be az oldalon.